October 2014 – April 2017
Master’s Degree in Philosophy
Università degli Studi di Milan
Thesis on Wittgenstein and transcendental philosophy of language (Wittgenstein e la filosofia trascendentale del linguaggio) (supervisor Prof. Paolo Spinicci, co-supervisor Prof. Renato Pettoello).
October 2016 – January 2017
Research stay in Paris with a scholarship from the University of Milan
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Three-months research stay at the UFR Philosophie of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, under the supervision of Prof. Jocelyn Benoist, funded by the University of Milan’s scholarship programme for conducting part of the research related to the MA thesis abroad.
October 2012 – November 2014
Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy
Università degli Studi di Milan
Thesis on Cause and effect as structures of grammar in the later Wittgenstein (La causalità come struttura grammaticale nell’ultimo Wittgenstein) (supervisor Prof. Paolo Spinicci).
May 2021 – present (2025)
Instructional designer
W.Training S.r.l.
Since May 2021 he is employed at W.Training S.r.l. (Via Gramsci 1/M, 42124 Reggio Emilia) with the following responsibilities: designing solutions for digital learning (mainly interactive e-learning courses, HTML and MediaWiki websites), videomaking, and visual communication.
November 2022 – November 2024
Vectorisation of the drawings in Wittgenstein’s Nachlass
Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen
Between November 2022 and November 2024 he worked with the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB) to produce high-quality SVG versions of the drawings in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophical manuscripts. The remade drawings were used in the WAB’s transcriptions of the Nachlass. Additionally, they were published in the dedicated Wittgenstein Nachlass Graphics website.
July 2018 – April 2021
Instructional designer
CT2 S.r.l.
Between July 2018 and April 2021 he was employed at CT2 S.r.l. (via Piero Capponi 9, 20145 Milano) with the following responsibilities: designing solutions for digital learning (mainly interactive e-learning courses, HTML and MediaWiki websites), videomaking, and visual communication.
February 2016 – April 2020
Editor-in-chief and vice-director
La Tigre di Carta – Rivista di arte e cultura
Between February 2016 and January 2017 he was editor-in-chief for the quarterly magazine La Tigre di Carta, ISSN 2420-8787; between January 2017 and April 2020 he was vice-director of the same magazine.
December 2020 – present (2025)
Ludwig Wittgenstein Project
In December 2020 he founded the Ludwig Wittgenstein Project, a multilingual website that since January 2022 makes Wittgenstein’s works available online free of charge and with a free licence.
2010 – present (2025)
Since 2010 he is a contributor of Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. He made approximately 6000 contributions on the Italian-language version of the website and wrote approximately 160 new articles.
September 2015 – June 2016
Wikimania 2016
He was involved in the organisation of the 12th worldwide yearly conference of the Wikimedia movement, Wikimania 2016, which took place in Esino Lario, Italy, in June 2016. As a member of the “Programme Committee”, his role was “Co-general coordinator and chair of the sessions”.
A.A. 2015-2016
“Reading philosophy. Wittgenstein” (“Letture di filosofia. Opere di Wittgenstein”) at Unitre Milano
In academic year 2015-2016 he taught a 48-hour course at the Università delle Tre Età in Milan (via Ariberto 11, 20123 Milano).
A.A. 2014-2105
“Reading philosophy. Spinoza” (“Letture di filosofia. Opere di Spinoza”) at Unitre Milano
In academic year 2014-2015 he taught a 48-hour course at the Università delle Tre Età in Milan (via Ariberto 11, 20123 Milano).